
Online Privacy Statement

1. 仅当您需要发送或者保存的照片和文件,app才访问您的存储空间,我们不会对您的照片和文件进行收集。
2. 使用电话功能时,仅用于读取电话的状态。
3. 使用麦克风时,仅用于语音通话和留言,我们不会对您的通话语音和留言进行收集。
4. 使用摄像头时,仅用于扫描二维码,视频聊天和拍摄照片,我们不会对您的通话视频和照片进行收集。
5. 使用通讯录功能时,仅用于呼叫联系人,我们不会对您的通信录信息进行收集。
当您有其他的投诉、建议相关问题时,请通过 与我们联系。
The app will ask for your confirmation before using the following services:
1. When accessing the storage space, it is only used to send or save photos and files, and no photos and files will be collected.
2. When accessing the phone feature, it is only used to read the status of the phone.
3. When accessing the microphone, it is only for voice calls and voice messages. No conversation and messages data will be collected.
4. When accessing the camera, it is only for scanning QR codes, video calls and taking photos. No call videos and photos will be collected.
5. When accessing the address book feature, it is only for calling contacts. No address book information will be collected.
When you have other complaints, suggestions, please contact